Spill containment: Are you covered?

Tennier Sanitation in Southern Ontario

Spill containment: Are you covered?

Ontario has recently announced a workplace safety inspection blitz. Recently, many of our customers have asked how they can better prepare for the safety inspection blitz in Ontario. While we expect the inspections to focus on correct supplies and use of PPE for all workers on job sites, our understanding is that spill containment equipment […]

Tennier Sanitation facilities management

Winter essentials: It’s time to stock up

    August is the best time to start thinking about snow! While we’re not yet hearing about the salt shortages we experienced a couple of years ago, the ongoing pandemic means that supply chains across North America are subject to disruption without a lot of notice. That’s why even though it still feels pretty […]

Summer 2021 at Tennier Sanitation

Time for some good clean summer fun!

Ah, the dog days of summer! It’s the last few weeks of summer, and we hope you’re getting out there and enjoying it. Or, if you’re indoors, that you’ve got air conditioning and a few summertime drinks. If you work in facilities management, property management or maintenance, you know you’ve probably already turned your thoughts […]

Tennier Sanitation tips on workplace health and safety

Workplace safety: 6 steps to a smarter program

    Safety guidelines are important for all kinds of workspaces Many of us think of ‘workplace safety’ as the kind of thing that really only matters for industrial or manufacturing workplaces: It’s easy to understand why safety would be important in facilities with big equipment, or hazardous chemicals, or huge warehouses that require motorized […]

Hamilton's leading cleaning supply company

Disinfecting: What you need to know about the cleaners you’re using

    Keeping coronavirus at bay means knowing what you’re using Back in March, when everyone was panic-buying cleaning supplies for both their home and their workplace, no one could keep bleach-based products in stock: Everyone assumed that the best way to ensure their surfaces weren’t contaminated was to just spray everything with bleach. And […]

Hamilton's Tennier Sanitation has mobile wash stations

Help employees & customers stay safe with mobile wash stations

    Successful reopening starts with effective precautions Now that Ontario has started its staged approach to reopening businesses and workplaces previously closed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, business owners and managers are thinking about how to resume activities. While your employees are probably looking forward to returning to work, studies show that […]